Website security is brand security

  • We all know how scary internet security threats can be.

  • To protect your business and customers, let's make sure your website's squared away with proper security measures.

  • A secure website means a stronger brand.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Protecting your brand’s website

    • Lesson 1

    • Lesson 2

    • Lesson 3

    • Lesson 4

    • Lesson 5


  • What's website security got to do with building my business?

    Fair question! Here's the thing: your customers need to trust your brand at every level. This includes trusting you to protect their data and information when they visit your site or sign up for a promotion. Trust us, your brand can only benefit from having a secure site.

  • Can I start with this course?

    While it’s possible, we highly recommend that you complete Courses 1-4 before taking this one. Making sure your brand and website are squared away will help you get the most out of this course. You need a functional website to be able to implement website security measures.